*** お知らせ : これは非公式ファンサイトです。現在、来年30周年に向けて準備を進めております。 どうぞお楽しみに! ***                        *** This is an unofficial fan site. We are currently preparing for the 30th anniversary next year. Please look forward to it! ***

About Yuna
Song Lyrics


Who's this "Fraulein" anyway?

Yuna may seem like an ordinary teenage girl who tends to be cheerful and friendly, but she's also an awesome Galactic Princess in sexy mecha armor! When she's not doing school work or saving the galaxy, she's a cute idol singer with quite an attractive voice.
She's clumsy and childish most of the time but her mysterious ability to seemingly make everyone her friend is a redeeming quality. However, you should never think of messing with her existing friends, or you'll be so sorry!

A popular song

Check out the lyrics page here!

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