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Yellow American Family since 04/19/1987
PC98 stuff Dark Magician Yuna's room

welcome to the weed-eater's dump

Welcome. I dunno what to write around here right now, kinda lazy. My apologies if parts of this site are under construction; I don't get to work on this site a LOT nowadays...

This website is best viewed on a desktop computer. The Windows PC I used to make this site uses a monitor with a screen size of 1440x900 pixels. A monitor with a resolution of more than 800x600 pixels is recommended. For mobile users, please turn on "Desktop page mode" where necessary. Please refresh your browser when necessary if most of the images did not load or the custom embedded font did not load correctly as well.

mailbox: spyral64 at gmail dot com
twitter: @yooot34582325
art twitter: @paluseata2000
seldom used alt twitter:@weedeater95
discord: jongg-eater#2260

Join my Discord server!

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