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I speak my mind, I am one with the universe.
I am the Jongg CD.

Heblo evrybodeez! Welcome to the weed eater's dump. Please watch your step and enjoy your stay. No smoking, pretty please. If you wish to dive in to the main page of this site, of which I update very irregularly, please proceed here. FAQs are here.
Call me "yooot", "qes", "Spyral" (Y pronounced as EE), "weedeater", "shampoo-eater", "Jongg-eater" or "Paluseata CD2000". I'm an animation enthusiast and aspiring artist from the Philippine Islands.
Pronouns are he/him if you are willing to seek such information about me.


Mail address (also MSN Messenger address):
spyral64 at gmail dot com

Amazon wishlist: here

Twitter: @yooot34582325

Art Twitter: @paluseata2000

Seldom used alt Twitter:@weedeater95

My Youtube channel

Discord: jongg-eater#2260 - Join my Discord server!

WARNING: This product is classified as a Highly Functioning Autistic. This product may cause confusion, vomiting, communications interference, headaches, interdimensional nausea, emotional damage, sudden urges to worship monoliths, constant tendencies to question life, and level 2 sporadic discombobulation. Please handle with care. Drive safely. Sponsored by Duff Brewery. For more information please reread the enclosed instruction book. Offer expires on 1999 December 31. Not valid in some territories.