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welcome to the weed-eater's dump
Hello, welcome! I'm the Weed-eater. You have come across my so-called webpage and now you must suffer as you slowly attempt to continue your excursion through this page.
It is commonly thought that the Weed Eater consumes marijuana. This is considered a misconception, caused by this name alone. In fact, it is merely a reference to an infamous scene from the animated series "Veggie Tales".
I write and draw stuff. I'm currently working on a comic/sitcom project inspired by numerous favorite stuff I have floating around in my mind that I would love to call my biggest inspirations. I also like music, videogames and programming. (Food is also a notable favourite, but it has become very commonplace as food is a primary necessity.)
日本の仲間たちと読者へのお知らせ: すみませんね、このサイトは英語を書いていですよ。(笑) まだ日本語を学んでいますよ。英語は母国語だな。日本語で書くのは楽しいはずだな。 (難しい漢字の邪魔にはずならないw) たぶん、いつか日本語サイトは作っていましょうね。お待ち下さい!
much of this site is still under construction / このサイトはまだ建設中です
In other words, my apologies if parts of this site are unfinished!
This website is best viewed on a desktop computer. The Windows PC I used to make this site uses a monitor with a screen size of 1440x900 pixels. It's also cool if you have a monitor with a size of more than 800x600 pixels. For mobile users, please turn on "Desktop page mode" where necessary. Please refresh your browser when necessary if most of the images did not load or the custom embedded font did not load correctly as well.
Old homepage is here.
Alternate pages are hosted at Vistaserv, FC2, and my old Myspace Reconstruction account.
updates board
mailbox: spyral64 at gmail dot com
twitter: @yooot34582325
alt twitter:@weedeater95
discord: jongg-eater#2260
My Blogspot page where I write stuff sometimes. I also have a tumblr page which I use to browse the site. I don't use either of these often.
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